Down with the Delly

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Jeremiah said in Jer 15v16 - Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.

I can find no analogy to explain what the Word of God feels like to a hungry soul. If you've ever been hungry before and then finally after a long wait you get some food, joyous occasion right? When we're not hungry, it's not as exciting.

Jesus implores us to thirst and hunger for righteousness (matthew 5v6), and i'd like to encourage us by extension to eat the word of the Lord, eat it like you'd suck that julie mango seed white because of the bliss it provides.

I'd like to liken God to a chef (with no intention to belittle Him) and the word of God like various foods. 66 different food groups which if he served them the same way we'd be bored to eat, but like a master chef, when he realises that we have acquired the taste for a particular meal, he prepares others (sometimes using the same food combinations) as long as we continue to hunger for a fresh meal every day.

What's even nicer when the chef comes and eats with you, Jesus supped with his disciples, chilled out at the beach with them while eating honeycombs. He desires to supp with us but do we have time to sit at the table and discuss our day with him, or do we just want a microwavable meal to be eaten in front of the TV?

He's such a wonderful chef, imagine you're on a tough walk through a wilderness, you're hungry, you're thirsty and then out of nowhere, there's a table spread in the wilderness (Psalm 78v19) all spring water from a rock if you please! The Lord shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory...if God is putting streets of gold in heaven...streets of gold!!! what is it for him to provide money to buy a house in Golden Triangle?

The reason we don't trust Him is because we don't know Him!

P.S. Check out Tanesha's blog also