Down with the Delly

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

It's a journey - gird up the loins!

This post is an analysis of the scriptures found in 1Peter 1v1-15

Peter commences by greeting his fellow believers but ensures that he reinforces a couple key points for them.

  1. They are the Elect of according to the foreknowledge of God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ through the sanctification of the Spirit
  2. How they got there was two fold (1) by their obedience and (2) the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
In the context of the scripture it basically meant anyone who was obedient to the scriptures by believing on the crucified elect would be purified by the Spirit. This purification is not a metaphorical purification but those who have experienced the moving of the consuming fire can testify that this power does a physical cleansing of the body, mind & soul. Seriously! You will never be the same again! (Hebrews 9v14)

Peter then speaks of the promise that we have an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

The elected ones are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.

Even though now we may be in a period of heaviness because of many temptations, that trial of our faith is much more precious than gold that perishes even though it really is being tested. Trust mi! What we have IS worth more than gold!

There is one main point I want to elaborate on, girding up the loins of your mind. According to the Strong's concordance, the term loins describes where the Hebrews thought the regenerative power (semen) resided and the term gird originated from Orientals (asians) who would securely fasten their long flowing garments before they went on a long journey so it wouldn't get in the way.

In a nutshell, the apostle Paul is admonishing us to be protective of the regenerative part of our life (our mind), it is with our mind we serve the law of God (Romans 7v25) and that we should have a determination that no matter what comes i'm in this journey we're in it for the long haul, standing on the faith of Jesus.

My hope is that we will all gird the loins of our mind and continue to retain & love truth!